Are you thinking of putting a Solar System on your home? Before you do, make sure you consider that it may have no positive impact on the value of your home and may possibly have a negative impact on the value of your home. Currently the Average system for the average home in Simi Valley California costs approximately $36,000.That is a lot of upfront money just to get rid of a bill in the $90-$150 a month range. Below are the three reasons I believe homeowners should think long and hard before committing to any solar solution for their home.
1. Your home is an energy sieve to begin with. Have you insulated? Do you have dual pane windows? How old are your appliances? All of these items should be taken care of long before talking to a solar contractor. Reducing the need of air-conditioning and heating and running more efficient appliances will help reduce the size of the solar system for your home if you decide to go that route in the future.
2. Why pay for your Utilities up front for a long term break even? Costs are already inflated via tax credits. The truth is that Solar contractors charge inflated rates to install Solar. Why? Because of the Tax Credit game. If all the subsidies and credits went away tomorrow, you would see that the installation costs would drop dramatically. All you have to do is look around any neighborhood and see that more and more people are having soared to their homes. If this is the case then how come the cost of solar systems is not decreased?
3. Leased systems are not added value to your property they are a liability. If the potential buyer for your home does not qualify for the lease, then you will have to buy out your lease to sell your home. Not all solar leases are uniform and some are very tricky; tricky in the sense it is very difficult to get anyone qualified to take over your lease leaving the only option, a buyout.
What is the solution?
Convert everything possible in your home to LED and or CFL. Do you have LED TVs? If not, this conversion will be a huge savings in annual electric costs. How old is your Refrigerator, Microwave, Washer-Dryer, Dishwasher? How about outdoor lighting including flood lights and security lighting?
Did you know there is technology that will let you control lighting and your Thermostat from your phone away from you home? Do you have children? You can install timed switches that will turn off lights when the kids forget.
Converting all these items will help reduce your monthly bill significantly. If you could reduce your bill 25% or 30% monthly is there the same desire to invest in a solar system?
Depending on where your home is – there’s also the issue of someone building near you, and cutting off your slice of sunlight! Yikes! $36,000 is a big expense (I agree) – we love our Nest Thermostat – that was WELL worth the small investment! Thanks!