- Start early, packing takes longet than you think.
- Use proper packing containers. All boxes should have sealed tops. No plastic trash bags.
- Don’t overload your boxes. Keep the boxes at 50 Ibs. or less.
- Pack all fragile items: lamps, pictures, mirrors, glass shelves, glass tops, are some of the items that people forget to pack.
- Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to call and ask for advice on how to pack something.
- If you need help in getting everything packed, let us know before your move date. We can arrange for packers to finish packing for an additional charge.
- All packing must be completed before the movers arrive. Moving while packing always slows things down, and causes additional costs.
- Label all cartons by the rooms they go to at the new residence. Labels should be placed on at least 2 sides (Not the Top) of the boxes.
- Have a layout of where you want furniture to go. Take measurements, rearranging furniture takes time and also add to costs.
- Check hallways, and stairways. Will furniture fit, will it make turns, does it need to be hoisted onto a balcony or into a window. Your mover needs to know about any of these possible conditions. Your mover will gladly go to your new residence to check these conditions for you.
- Special equipment may be needed and extra cost may apply. Proper preparation is the key to a trouble free move.
- Notify your mover of any changes to your relocation. Changes in dates, items to be moved, packing, or locations need to be noted as soon as possible.
- Tell your mover about your new residence. Can we get a full size truck on your new street, can we park the truck with-in 50 feet of of your front door, are there stairs or elevators. The more we know the more accurate your estimate will be.
- Make sure the mover has all necessary information. The mover needs exact pick-up and delivery address, home, business and cell phone numbers, and complete names for all adults involved in your relocation.
- Make sure your mover sees everything to be moved. Attics, off site storage, basements, furniture not at residence are sometimes forgotten and cause problems and additional costs.
- Make sure both you and your mover understand who is responsible for what. Never assume the mover has included it unless it is noted on your estimate. Grandfather clocks, swing sets, washer/dryer hook-ups, ice makers, chandelier removal are some of the items that need to be noted
- Tell the mover about your concerns: New carpet or flooring, an item that was previously damaged, an item that requires special attention or care. These are all things that need to be noted on your paper work to avoid problems. If you are aware of an item that needs a lot of disassembly and re assembly or if an item was difficult to place in its current location, you need to make your mover aware of these conditions.
- Movers should not move the following items; Jewelry, coins, currency, stocks, bonds, deeds, titles, important paper, collections, hand guns, ammunition, liquids that may spill, propane tanks, aerosol cans, corrosives, flammables, paints, cleaning supplies.
- Have refrigerator and freezer emptied before the movers arrive.
- Remove any permanently affixed items from walls or ceilings before the movers arrive. (Movers are not allowed to remove these items).
- Check entire house before movers leave to make sure they got everything. It is always the customers responsibility to insure that the proper items were moved. Going back for items missed will cause delays and additional costs.
- Plan for rain. Rain always causes delays and additional costs. You need to have a plan for if it rains the day of your move.
- Plants should always be dry. (Do not water your plants before your move)
- Inside or outside plants.
- NMS/ATLAS WORLDWIDE MOVING is always the right choice for a trouble free move. Jack Fishel (805) 526-0404
Related Reading
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