Short Sale Buyer Contract deal points can make or break a short sale. In this video blog I go over the Short Sale Addendum for a quick overview of the form and some commentary on how it can help protect the buyer in the transaction. Make sure to read: Simi Valley Short Sale Information here […]
Wachovia World Savings Streamlines Short Sales for Simi Valley Home Owners in Distress

You’re in luck if you have a Wachovia or World Savings home loan and you are facing a short sale as your only option. There is a local representative for Wachovia assigned to the Simi Valley – east Ventura County area covering into the San Fernando Valley including the Santa Clarita areas. This process is […]
SB 401 – What’s My Short Sale Tax Liability With The State of California?
So, you’re trying to figure out if you have California Tax Liability With The State of California if you sold your Simi Valley home via Short Sale or are planning to short sell your home. SB 401 is set to work in line with the IRS Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 forgiving tax liabilities […]
Understanding Home Valuations – Broker Price Opinions (BPOs)

Understanding Home Valuations – Broker Price Opinions (BPOs) This Video segment covers the “BPO” AKA Broker Price opinion. What is a BPO? How is it conducted? Who orders a BPO? How many BPOs are ordered? These are some of the topics covered. In the segment that will follow this, I will explain how these values […]
Simi Valley Home Buyers 3 Important Concerns with Short Sale Offers

As a Simi Valley Home Buyer in this market you will be confronted by many homes for sale that are Short Sales. Before submitting an offer buyers should be concerned and careful about the process they are about to enter. The current market conditions for buyers has been difficult for many. Inventory levels have been […]