The new plumbing fixture law is not that new at all. It is part of an older code that has restrictions that were built into the law over time. Some cities like Los Angeles have had tougher restrictions for quite a while. October 11, 2009 SB 407, Property transfers: plumbing fixtures replacement was signed into law. Triggers set for 2017 are as follows:
The bill would require, on and after January 1, 2017, that a seller or transferor of single-family residential real property, multifamily residential real property, or commercial real property disclose to a purchaser or transferee, in writing, specified requirements for replacing plumbing fixtures, and whether the real property includes noncompliant plumbing. The bill would require, on and after January 1, 2017, a seller of certain residential real property to make a specified disclosure in this regard.
How do you know if you have 1.6 gallon flush toilets? It should be stamped in the porcelain tank. Just remove the lid of the toilet tank and it should be marked at the like the picture below.
The State is always looking for way to force home owners to spend money on home improvements at the time the home owner goes to sell their home. In the past they tried to pass laws to make home owners replace their roof and air conditioners before selling. Thankfully this plumbing law is not as costly as a new roof or new air conditioner, but it is still a hassle all the same.
If you own a home in Simi Valley the following retrofits are required when you sell your home.
Smoke Detectors – Most have only a 10 year operational life and need to be replaced if older than 10 years. New requirements require a 10 lithium non remavable litum battery.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors – One per floor and outside sleeping areas which could cause a requirement of more than one per floor.
Water heater – Strapped and braced according to state requirements.
Toilets, Shower heads and Faucets – with the flow rates as specified above.
If you live in the LA area, and you’re wishing to sell your home or condo, but you think you need a little help, specially considering these new laws, you can contact, they’ll be able to help you out and address any other questions you may have.
Thanks for the heads up!