Simi Sams Sandwich Factory has been serving Simi Valley for over 32 years. Serving up Sub Sandwiches, Salads, Soups and their famous Chili to locals. The shop really has the local community atmosphere including what I affectionate refer to as the curmudgeon table, actually there are no grumpy old men at the table even though at first glance you might think so. Everyone I have met in the store over the years is very nice, but it is fun to see the TV up front and the locals discussing the issues of the day. Outside of a great atmosphere, the food is really good. I love a good Italian sandwich and Simi Sams make one of my favorites. On those cool days, soup or Chili is a great addition. What you will not find in the other chain sandwich shops is that Simi Sams carries Beer. Simi Sams sandwich factory is located at the east end of Simi Valley on Tapo Street down across from the car wash at 2139 Tapo Street Suite 113. Visit for more information. Thank you for Supporting our local business owners, Shop Simi First.
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