Saturday, May 1, 2010 (Los Angeles) – I was given the privilege of a guest spot on the Cindy Dole Home Wizards Show on KFWB 980 am. The show airs every Saturday morning from 8 AM to 10 AM. Cindy covers a variety of topics on home improvement and gardening. I’ve always been a fan of talk radio and prefer to listen to talk radio over other programming. Cindy Dole’s Home Wizards Show, is great programming for Saturday morning that I can turn on my transistor radio while working around my home or listen in my car on a Saturday morning on the way to meet clients and show property.
It’s no secret that people love the topics of real estate and home improvement. Some my most read articles on my blog are home improvement articles. Cindy’s show this time moved away from home improvement and gardening and focused in on a very serious topic related to home ownership and that topic was reminiscing events of the 1994 Northridge earthquake and the preparation for future earthquakes in Southern California. Two important issues came to surface immediately. First, was understanding that Northridge type events are more common for those of us in Southern California. Examples would be the Whittier Narrows earthquake, the San Fernando/ Sylmar earthquake, etc.
The second issue that came to surface from the experts was that they believe a section of the San Andreas fault between Palm Springs and Palmdale has a high probability rupture in the next 30 years. The difference between an earthquake generated from the San Andreas fault versus our more recent events is that a much larger magnitude quake accompanied by longer shake times (up to two minutes) – will most likely occur.

In sharing my experiences during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake and sitting in studio with the experts I quickly realized that 16 years has passed, which has created some complacency in my own preparation. This is an important topic to stay in touch with to make sure your home is safe, that you have enough supplies for several days and that you have adequate insurance in case of loss.
Good news for those of you contemplating purchasing a home. Sellers now supply a natural hazards disclosure report prepared by a third-party company that shows where fault lines and liquefaction zones are located in relation to the property you are planning to purchase. Other hazards such as flooding and fire zones are included in that report as well. If your home is located in one of these hazard zones, it helps to know so you can plan accordingly and be prepared for future likely events.
Also mandatory retrofit items for Ventura County / Simi Valley Home Sellers include water heater bracing and in Los Angeles County a earthquake shutoff valve for your natural gas service.
The player below is the recording of Saturday’s Show. You can subscribe to Cindy’s Show on iTunes or listen live every Saturday Morning at 8:00 am on KFWB 980 am.
If you can’t see the player for the show above here is the link
Cindy Dole Home Wizards Show on KFWB 980 am May 1st Earthquake Special
Make sure to Follw Cindy on Twitter @CindyDole
Also Cindy has a Facebook Page Cindy Dole on Facebook
And of course her webpage
Related Posts:
Northridge Earthquake 15 year Aniversary
Simi Valley Earthquake Preparedness Emergency Gas Shut Off
Simi Valley Earthquake Preparedness Water Heater Bracing
Cindy Dole’s Remembering Northridge Quake 1994
Thanks for reading Simi Valley’s Premiere Real Estate Blog!
Author – Ted Mackel Simi Valley Real Estate Agent – Keller Williams Realty
Ted Mackel is a top producer at Keller Williams Realty Simi Valley,
specializing in Simi Valley Real Estate
(805) 432-7705
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