Trying to understand the Simi Valley Real Estate market? Is the Rally on? Are buyer’s getting the squeeze? Are Home Seller’s dictating the terms of every Sale? All that and more in this video blog on the Simi Valley Real Estate Forecast.
About Ted Mackel
Active real estate broker and entrepreneur in Simi Valley. Ted has a passion for business, has deep knowledge about residential and commercial real estate and is one of the few to be a long time blogger/writer on these subjects. In his free time you'll find Ted enjoying baseball with his family (Go Dodgers), reaching his goal of spanish fluency, and pursuing his hobbies with RC aircraft and Lionel Trains.
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Thanks for the great update Ted. I don’t follow real estate that closely so when my investment clients ask me about diversifying their IRA’s and other long-term portfolios I direct them to your website because you are always so knowledgeable about our local market. Thomas Hartfield, Hartfield Financial.
Thanks for watching Thomas. I know you are a hard worker for your clients.